Harry Uhane Jim
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Wise Secrets of Aloha
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25 things I carry
Lomilomi means to me
Guest Book
Ohana Pictures 1
Ohana Pictures 2
Ohana Pictures 3
Ohana Pictures 4
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Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian tradition that is utilized to bring balance and harmony into one's life. At it's root, Ho'oponopono is a technology of forgiveness, and allows us to release tht which keeps us feeling stuck in negative thoughts and patterning.

Join us for a two day immersion in the art of Ho'oponopono with the Renowned local Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim.

This 2 day interactive workshop will provide you with lifelong skills to:

-Transform negative and exhausting energies in the form of people, places and symbols, into positive and healthy new vistas.

- Reclaim your innate personal power,  allowing effortless navigation through life's trials and discoveries.

- Discover your capacity to radiate your true essence, rather than defending old wounds shadowed by illusions of danger and non-safety.

- Practice the art of "downsizing" - Having what you want regardless of what others expect you to want.

- Connect with like-minded people for reciprocal mentor ship opportunities

Ho'oponopono: Personally engaging and witnessing divinity animating  authorities of reconciliation, release, evoking peace profound. Laulima, ancient and old fashion healing by laying of hands. Kahea the practice ritual  of calling and feeding creations Aloha a true and empowered meaning; Vivacity from the  luxury of well-being self nurtured. Halau, A comfort zone for receiving, and learning.  Accessing the resource Anuinui Uhane : Soul bridge. Connecting the field of your awareness to the being of your soul. 

Hele Mai, 'e komo mai    Welcomed to be with us please. Come enthusiastically to embrace  wisdom of  Ho'oponopono in your vibratory field: witnessing-- Contact and observing  personal Divinity.  Aloha in your heart: The soul's flow from your heartbeat. Come make magic from joy as you always knew how.

LAULIMA  Course 2

WELCOME  to the opportunity for adventure, discovering and
loving your emotional body. The material presented is from
 the recent nationally published book

WE share, demonstrate and pass on one of four techniques
unveiled in the book. You will become initiated into Hawaiian
touch medicine known as Laulima, “laying of hands” energy work.

   “ALOHA” is a popular greeting which comes from Hawaii and is
known throughout the world. Saying “Aloha” summons that quintessential paradise within, granting euphoric and melodic
 peace of mind and body: Joy.

                To the Hawaiian, Aloha means
“ the breath of god is in our presence”.
The work unveils secret, coded Truths
about the authentic dynamic of
“Grace Receiving Gratitude”. 

    WE will learn by doing “laying of hands” an ancient Hawaiian
healing practice in which everybody is enough, everyone
participates. We gather in a cluster of like-minded healers holding
the common intention for one person’s well being.
E’ KOMO MAI  Come connect with your power to heal!


         Enter into the realm of Lomilomi, the traditional Hawaiian Approach to bodywork.
Lomilomi holds the premise that body, mind and spirit (trinity) participate in its evolution - healing.
The work creates a temple…a sacred space... a connecting space... A safe space place
for the body’s consciousness (the emotional body). Access for support and
communication to the emotional body is in the HA - the breath. The opportunity for healing is
the convergence of time, space, and will. It is incidental, coincidental, and serendipitous.
Lomilomi grants portal to this Process. We are empowered by and centered on authenticity,
creating the momentum of ease  and grace to navigate healing.
cleaning the skin of the bone (periosteum),  causing the release of memory and corresponding physical and emotional pain.
PO’O (head) --
clearing binds on the cranial bones to accommodate movement of skull in rhythm with the breath.
causing space in the body using gravity and breath.
traditional healing technique to  active prayer using “prepare, perceive and procreate.”
HA ( breath) -
combining the skills of bone washing and breath coaching we are tooled to heal towards freedom from constriction.
We will learn by doing “laying of hands” an ancient Hawaiian
healing practice in which everybody is enough, everyone
participates. We gather in a cluster of like-minded healers holding
the common intention for one person’s well being.

Come connect with your power to heal!

Hawaiian Healing /  LOMILOMI and HO'OPONOPONO  #4


Enter into the realm of Lomilomi, the traditional Hawaiian Approach to bodywork.
Lomilomi holds the premise that body, mind and spirit (trinity) participate in its evolution - healing.
The work creates a temple…a sacred space... a connecting space... A safe space place
for the body’s consciousness (the emotional body).
Access for support and
communication to the emotional body is in the HA - the breath.
The opportunity for healing is
the convergence of time, space, and will. It is incidental, coincidental, and serendipitous.
Lomilomi grants portal to this Process.
We are empowered by and centered on authenticity, creating the momentum of ease  and grace to navigate healing.

cleaning the skin of the bone (periosteum),  causing the release of memory and corresponding physical and emotional pain.
PO’O (head) --
clearing binds on the cranial bones to accommodate movement of skull in rhythm with the breath.
causing space in the body using gravity and breath.
traditional healing technique to  active prayer using “prepare, perceive and procreate.”
HA ( breath) -
combining the skills of bone washing and breath coaching we are tooled to heal towards freedom from constriction.
We will learn by doing “laying of hands” an ancient Hawaiian
healing practice in which everybody is enough, everyone
participates. We gather in a cluster of like-minded healers holding
the common intention for one person’s well being.

A 5 day experience in  the realm of Hawaiian healing; wellness thriving tools, and skills to anchor joy. 

From the book "WISE SECRETS OF ALOHA" We Create space, and invest intention  imploding  a vibration of soul illuminating authentic service to love. We ride the wave pattern organic. We convene  community to co create spark for, self expanding aloha....
The event experience is exuberant,and provocative; catalyzing.   Sharing of 'laulima' laying of hands healing both receiving and giving in the old fashion and ancient way. Expand our joy and seeds our freedoms in the vast, new to you, realm of Hawaiian thoughts as tools to thrive in service and in relationships--as with all our creations. We play to capture gravity for our contributions as illuminated agents of change.

Divine creator,
father, mother, child as one… If I , my family relatives, and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives, and ancestors in thoughts, words , deeds, and actions, from the beginning of   creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness… Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories blocks, energies, and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light. And it is done.

Just once, when you aware to visit the magnificence of your soul, you never know worry, ever more.

Aloha nui nui  Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim And Kumu Sila Lehua Jim.

LomiLomi and the Ha breath… four a four day workshop event on the healing
Power of Lomi lomi and coached deep and cyclical, as well, random and guided. 

Enter into the realm of Lomilomi, the traditional Hawaiian Approach to bodywork.
Lomilomi holds the premise that body, mind and spirit (trinity) participate in its evolution - healing.
The work creates a temple…a sacred space... a connecting space... A safe space place
for the body’s consciousness (the emotional body).
Access for support and
communication to the emotional body is in the HA - the breath.
The opportunity for healing is
the convergence of time, space, and will. It is incidental, coincidental, and serendipitous.
Lomilomi grants portal to this Process.
We are empowered by and centered on authenticity, creating the momentum of ease  and grace to navigate healing.

BONE WASHING - cleaning the skin of the bone (periosteum),  causing the release of memory and corresponding physical and emotional pain.
PO’O (head) -- clearing binds on the cranial bones to accommodate movement of skull in rhythm with the breath.
CREATION OF SPACE - causing space in the body using gravity and breath.
MANIFESTING - traditional healing technique to  active prayer using “prepare, perceive and procreate.”
HA ( breath) - combining the skills of bone washing and breath coaching we are tooled to heal towards freedom from constriction.
LAULIMA-   We will learn by doing “laying of hands” an ancient Hawaiian
healing practice in which everybody is enough, everyone
participates. We gather in a cluster of like-minded healers holding
the common intention for one person’s well being.  

And before me thousands of years of repeating healings. Yes to learn how is
To experience .  Join s of a lifestyle expansion through  joyous skills held dear to the Hawaiians of old.   For more to learn, try Wise Secrets of Aloha available everywhere, books are, a perfect intro to this work.   Aloha , harry

This 4 day workshop is a very special opportunity to apprentice with
Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim, and Sila Lehua Bray Jim.

Harry is the author of WISE SECRETS OF ALOHA, Living and Learning the Sacred Art of Lomilomi.

Familiarity with the material in the book "WISE SECRETS OF ALOHA" 
Call us for help making the right choice, and getting here, being in  Vermont.  for the week.  . 808-333-9491.
Harry Uhane Jim.
Aloha : the breath of God is in our presence. 

HAUMANA (birthing your power)        #5 
Haumana ~ The Apprentice Transmission

This five day workshop is a very special opportunity to apprentice with
Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim, and Sila Lehua Bray Jim.

Harry is the author of WISE SECRETS OF ALOHA, Living and Learning the Sacred Art of Lomilomi.

Birthing Your Power
There are tools in the lomilomi way that can only be mastered by very contained and sequestered spaces and reflections.

The circle of participants is deliberately small. Details are presented with plenty of space for
absorbing, and streaming into your thought process. There are no worn paths here, instead
true resonance of self loving self blue printing, emotional evolution, rejuvenation and healing.

The Kupuna: Hawaiian elders and our Hawaiian Healing School would refer to this work as heart medicine.  “ Articulate  powerfrom your source of love". Haumana: birthing your power.  Experiencing the physics of energy through wisdom teachings, and Bodywork. Innovating your selfs, drawn to your will. 

This workshop is a down stream rapids experience for five consecutive immersion days with
8-14 students only. We learn the art of crafting the urge badge, and other manifestations of our
ever shaping spirit as healers. It's about forgiving attachments to your charter, engaging your
charter to reclaim skills for navigating midstream in the river of abundance through service.
The Kupuna: Hawaiian elders would refer to this work as heart medicine. “exposing power
from your source of love". Haumana: birthing your power.

We will be working with tools from the Physics of energy.  Birthing your power will be about  the  fluid management  of our  belief systems that color, and shape our realities.   

Familiarity with the material in the book "WISE SECRETS OF ALOHA" 
Call us for help making the right choice, and getting here, being in  Puna Coast.  for the week.  . 808-333-9491.
Harry Uhane Jim.
Aloha : the breath of God is in our presence. 

Kahu  Hui   Calling for Light bearers Apprentice to ascend.   #6

The lifestyle of Lomi Lomi healing and teaching is supported and fed by your rooted identity.
Being a light bearer of Lomi Lomi medicine is to have achieved mastery over the
skills, tools, and thought processes that manifest the opportunity for receivers to receive the love of light to heal.  ahu Hui is a group of 10 to 14, who will meet  to give themselves the space of shared intention achieving Self Mastery with the tools, thought processes, and skills of lomilomi Healing.

Syllabus may include
Emancipation of the vow bone washing shape shifting with thought processes Ha Breath Medicine Applications for the authority of your soul Sound as medicine skill building for  activating  healing paradigms: creating space, reflection, unification and trance states of grace. Tri-unity energy to break polarity belief systems Generating inclusiveness  Defining and shaping the energy of your thoughts

Sila and I  With lots of help and helpers are  creating a cluster of ascending apprentice achieving awareness of creating their own reality. There are only 14 spaces available.  Mastery of this Work requires sequestered incubation. It is a residential program .   Because there are only 14 seats at this Gathering, there is a pre course interview before a deposit is accepted. Interviews may be scheduled by email or phone. Please read "Wise Secrets of Aloha" before applying.
Harry Uhane Jim.

Wise Secrets of Aloha

Weekly Lomi Lomi Healing Day!

Contact: 333-9491 or harryuhanejim@gmail.com

The material in Wise Secrets of Aloha is emphasized.
There will be an exchange with an opportunity to be the receiver and giver of Lomi, Hawaiian Healing.

During lomi practice break, we’ll engage in circle and talk story about healing, and Sharing proven tools of reshaping negative energy into positive energy.

Here are the week’s themes:

1 Forgiving and forgetting? Or forgetting as forgiving. Stored trauma release.

2 Like oil and vinegar, grace and shame always separate.

3 Breath, power of the sovereign preference creating choice, a profound tool of watching change.

4 Kuhina seeing the body from the infinity paradigm, as healers of Lono would. “ Papa Bray work”

5 If you're working hard at giving your lomi, It's not lomi.

6 Clashing realities Embracing the Paradox.

7 I don't know, you don't know, we don't know.  

We will also practice simple ho'oponopono for supporting clear identity.

Sila and I will provide guidance on what to do for recurring or new injuries to specific areas.
Also looking at what breaks patterns of pain and immobility.

We will produce common Puna folk medicine to share.
Many other practical solutions available in Puna Folk Medicine skills.

The course will certify 40 hours of training, usually accepted by health care schools in the United states, and internationally.
The eight week series is available at individual sessions, and need not be taken in sequence.

We are limited to 12 Haumana per day, reservations are valued. Cost. $35 per session.

Call us if your interested and have questions, or any other way we can help.

Mahalo, and Aloha nui.
