July 19, 2008
9:30 to 5:00
Fire Hall
Cost $79.00
Aloha: The secret ways of Native Hawaiian Healing. This workshop is an
adventure in discovering and loving your emotional body. Learn how to help
your emotional body in its evolution using Hawaiian tools for healing. This
workshop initiates you into Hawaiian touch medicine Lomilomi Laulima. From
the workshop you will learn the hidden meanings of Aloha and similar
Hawaiian earth-based cultural words and techniques. Aloha is a popular
greeting most of the world knows as Hawaiian. Yet saying Aloha summons the
quintessential Paradise within. For to Hawaiian, Aloha means: "The breath of
god is in our presence". The word holds secret, coded truths. Aloha's
sources come from authenticity through the dynamic of Grace receiving
Gratitude. You will learn in Lomilomi Laulima, that laying of hands is an
ancient Hawaiian energy work where everyone participates. We gather in a
cluster of like-minded healers holding the common intention for one person’s
well being. We laugh, play and rediscover in the healing circle that
emotional safety and expansion come from the Aloha we share. You will be
given the wisdom to share in the full breath of Aloha. Hawaiian Kahuna
Harry Uhane Jim has practiced hands on healing for 28 years. He comes from
the authentic Hawaiian lineage of traditional healers. Born and raised on
the Island of Kauai, he trained in the traditional apprentice ways with the
best-known, yet deeply secret to the world, native Hawaiian healers of the
last 7 decades. Most gone now, leaving very few like Harry to carry this
wisdom to you. His gatherings convey authenticity and are known for
unveiling profound ancient truths with wit and laughter. He evokes the
Hawaiian experience of healing by raising the vibration wherever you may be.
Much of the workshop is about creating your time to connect you to your
power to heal. Harry teaches, works and lives with his wife and children in
Puna, on the big island of Hawaii and in Clarence, in Western New York. He
gives workshops on Lomilomi Laulima, Huna, and Hawaiian Healing throughout
the United States and Canada.
His book which is out in Book Stores March 2008. The title of the book
Learn and live the sacred art of Lomilomi